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Domii lovai
Domii lovai : Miss Sandy Song Lady

Miss Sandy Song Lady

  2012.06.19. 13:40


Minstsek: ELITECsods szi klleml, Beauty on Avalon Race and Bid Park, Csods szrke szn paci,Beautiful Horse in Naldance, The Good White Horse,Gynyr Djl,2nd Placed of Appearance for Dressage Horses,Good Appearance Horse,3rd Placed of Special ABC Competition,First Horse in Mid-Winter Appearance,The Beautifulest Horse in Itlia,Horse & Me Appearance Winner,Very Beautiful Horse With a Gray Category,BEAUTIFUL, Beautiful H Category Horse on II. ABC Appearance,PERFECT,Perfect Bridlered Horse on Bridle & Halter Appearance,1st in standing Category in The Earth Appearance, EXCELLENT,3rd in Standing  Winners of The Earth Appearance,3rd in DLVP,2x GOOD, Good Background Horse,4th Placed of II. Only One Picture Appearance,Beautiful,3rd Jumper Horse of CdO,4th Placed of Jumping in Europe,Nice Horse in PonyIsland, 3rd Placed of Appearance in Europe,GOOD.Good Appearance Horse in Warum Weekend II.,2nd on Warum Weekend II.,Horse in GHP, 4th Placed of Provenance Appearance, 3rd Jumper Horse of CdO, Beautiful,Jobb alma Gymlcs L a Fruit Appearance II.-n, 2nd on Fruit Appearance II.4th Placed of Competition for Wirthy Delma,Better Bottom Appearance Mare,Very Nice Mare,3rd in I. Horse Appearance in Alta,Good Netherlands Horse,Most Beautiful 1-3Category Horse,2nd Appearance of Rose Earth, Nice white or grey Horse,Nice Appearance Horse in CHDV,3rd in Appearance in Vienna,Gynyren Szembl ugr L, BEST Jumper  Horse,THE BEST Jumper Horse in CHDV,The Best Appearance Horse,Beautiful Horse in ABC Appearance,BEST Horse in CHDV, Better mare Horse, 2nd on April & May Appearance, Very Nice Mare, 3rd in II. Horse Appearance in Alta, GOOD,Good Mc'Donalds Horse,2nd on Mc'Donals,Appearance II.NICE,Fantastisch Graune Farbe Pferde,Zweite I. Farbe Kategorien Aussehen in Alta1st in II. April Appearance,Beautiful Horse in GHP,Gynyr Lovas nlkli L,NICE,Nice Appearance Horse in P.D.D,Legszebb l a Sznkategris Kllemversenyen a Salyza Versenyparkban, I. helyezett a szrke kategriban a Sznkategris Kllemversenyen,BETTER, Better ABC Appearance Horse, 2nd on ABC Appearance, GOOD,Very Good Mare, GOOD, Good Appearance Horse in Beach category, ELITE, Best horse on Head Appearance, 1st placed on Head Appearance in Salyza Lk., GOOD,Fantastic Show Jumping Horse in -Initial Category ,2nd in Dressage & ShowJumping in Luxemburg in Alta, ELITE,Legjobb l a Nyrnyit Kllemen,1. helyezett a Nyrnyit Kllemen a Salyza Lk.-ban, ELITE, Best horse on The Best Photo's Appearance, 1st placed on The Best Photo's Appearance in Salyza Lk., NICE, Clever Horse,ELITE, Best horse on II. Head Appearance, 1st on II. Head Appearance in Salyza Lk.,ELITE, Gyztes a III. Salyza Kupn a Salyza Lovaskzpontban, 1. helyezet a Kllem-kanca Kategriban a III. Salyza Kupn, Nagyon szpen vgtzik, 3rd in Jrmd Kllem in Alta, ELITE,The Best One Appearance Horse in Appearance with Colours, GOOD, Nagyon j l a II. Sznkategris Kllemversenyen a Salyza Lk.-ban, 2. helyezett a Szrke, deres Kategriban a II. Sznkategris Kllemversenyen, ELITE, Best horse on III. Head Appearance, 1st on III. Head Appearance in Salyza Lk.,NICE,Nice Horse in Canter category, 3rd of Gait Appearance,ELITE, Gyztes a IV. Salyza Kupn a Salyza Lovaskzpontban, 1. helyezet a Kllem-kanca Kategriban a IV. Salyza Kupn, ELITE, Legjobb l az Augusztusi Kllemversenyen a Salyza Lk.-ban, 1.helyezet a "szembl" kategriban, az Augusztusi Kllemversenyen,ELITE, Legjobb l az Augusztusi Kllemversenyen a Salyza Lk.-ban, 1.helyezet az "oldalrl"kategriban, az Augusztusi Kllemversenyen, NICE, Fantastic KWPN  horse, 2nd in ABC Appearance in Alta, ELITE, Champion KWPN Horse,  Winner in Three Tipes of Horses , The Best Horse in Appearance,ELITE, Best horse on I. Sweet Cup in Sweet Land,1st in I. Sweet Cup, ELITE, Best in Russian Ballet, 1st in Jekatyerina Makszimova Category in Russian Ballet, in Salyza Lk., Overall Winner in Sportlovak Napja in Alta, ELITE, BEST,  Best Sport Horse, 1st in Sportlovak Napja in Alta, ELITE, Best on Card Games in Salyza Lk., 1st in Piros (kanca)  Category on Card Games, ELITE, Winner on Big Competition without practices, 1st in "Kllem"  Category on Big Competition without practices,ELITE, Best horse on Black 'n' White Appearance in Salyza Lk., 1st in 'n'  Category on Black 'n' White Appearance, ELITE, Gyztes a V. Salyza Kupn a Salyza Lovaskzpontban, 1. helyezet a Kllem-kanca Kategriban a V. Salyza Kupn, NICE, Fantastic Horse, 2nd in Appearance in Alta, ELITE, The Most Beautiful horse in FMBP. Appearance, 1st in FMBP. Appearance, ELITE,  Absolute Winner in FMBP. Appearance, NICE, Szp KWPN l,Elite, The Most Beautiful Horse in PS, ELITE, Legjobb l a Walking and walking Appearance-en a Salyza Lk.-ban, 1. helyezett a Walking and walking Appearance-en, Good, Beautiful Horse of Around The World Appearance, GOOD, Better horse in The old one appearance, BETTER, 2nd in -cheval maison kllem-, Better mare in -cheval maison kllem-, ELITE, BEST, 1st on Film Appearance in Salyza P.S., ELITE, The Best in WWE Championship for Horses,  1st in Daniel Bryan Category, ELITE, BEST, 1st placed on One Picture is Enough in Salyza P. S., ELITE, BEST, 1st placed on In Spring Time - Appearance in Salyza P. S., GOOD, 3rd in I and Others from Synline,ELITE, BEST, 1st placed on Dance Style Appearance in Salyza P. S., BEST, Kiemelkeden szp "Kanca" a Fenton Special Tiszteletversenyen, Msodik helyezett az SHB versenyn, ELITE, Beautiful stallion mare, Winner at reopening appearance, GOOD, 3rd in IV. Synline Appearance, Good Horse, Very nice white horse, 2nd placed at B&WA, ELITE, 1st placed in Background Appearance from Synline, Nice background,ELITE, BEST, The Best Horse in Salyza P. S., 1st placed on II. Big Competition without Practices in Salyza P. S., EXCELLENT, Excellent horse on Japanese Bands Appearance in SJC, NICE, Great Horse in M'sM, Good Horse in ELITE Competition Horses, ELITE, Beautiful appearance horse, Winner at Horoscope Appearance, Best, Szerkeszt kedvence,


Neve: Sandy
Kora: 6 ves (10. 20.)
Fajtja: KWPN
Neme: kanca
Szne: szrke
Jegyei: -
Marmagassga: 168 cm
Tulajdonsgok: Gynyr kllem, kedves kanca. Szpen ugrik, kezd s halad szinten, de inkbb szrke szrvel remekel. Mindig vidm, s szeret emberek kzt lenni.


Trzsknyvi adatok:

Trzsknyvi neve: Miss Sandy Song Lady
Trzsknyve: van/nincs
Stse: WN
Trzsknyvi szma:


Tenyszt: Domii
Ahonnan jtt: oceanlovasok.gp>>>oldim.gp>>>horsandel.gp>>>oldim.gp
Anyja: Miss Love Song
Anyai nagyanyja: Song in the Rain
Apja: Lady's Boy
Apai nagyanyja: Lady in the Hall
Apai nagyapja: Boy-Boy-Boy



Tzsknyv: van/nincs
tlevr: van/nincs
Versenyengedly: van/nincs


Tenyszengedly: van/nincs
tenyszl: igen/nem
Fedeztetsek szma: 2 db
Hurricane Song C

Cassandar's Emerald


Patkolva: igen/nem
Krmlve: igen/nem
Oltva: igen/nem
Betegsg: van/nincs


Versenyez: igen/nem
Kpzs: kllem, szemle, tvlovagls
Versenyzik: kllem, szemle, tvlovagls
Edzsterv: -



50.000Ft  -shagyarab.gp

250.000Ft - avalon-online.gp
150.000Ft - avalon-online.gp


Abszolt gyztes helyezsek: (2 db)
Abszolt gyztes - Sportlovak Napja - lownit.gp
Abszolt gyztes - FMBP. Appearance - honeybee-stakes.gp
I. helyek: (38 db)
1. hely - Mid-Winter Appearance - ???gp
1. hely - Horse&Me Appearance Winter - ??? gp
1. hely - The Earth Appearance - dlvp.gp
1. hely - Horse Number APpearance - shagyarab.gp
1. hely - Jumper Horse Appearance - blaclprince.gp
1. hely - ABC Appearance - blackprice.gp
1. hely - II. prilisi Kllemverseny - ghp.gp
1. hely - Sznkategris kllemverseny - salyza.gp
1. hely - Head Appearance - salyza.gp
1. hely - Nyrnyit Kllem - salyza.gp
1. hely - Best Photo's Appearance - salyza.gp
1. hely - II. Head Appearance - salyza.gp
1. hely - III. Salyza Kupa (kllem) - salyza.gp
1. hely - Appearance with Colours - horsandel.gp
1. hely - III. Head Appearance - salyza.gp
1. hely - IV. Salyza Kupa (kllem) - salyza.gp
1. hely - Augusztusi Kllemverseny"Szembl kat." - salyza.gp
1. hely - Augusztisu Kllemverseny"oldalrl kat." - salzya.gp
1. hely - Three Tipes of Horses - thoroughbred.gp
1. hely - I. Sweet Cup - sw.gp
1. hely - Russian Ballet - salyza.gp
1. hely - Sportlovak napja - lownit.gp
1. hely - Card Games - salyza.gp
1. hely - Big Competition without practices - salyza.gp
1. hely - Black 'n' white appearance - salyza.gp
1. hely - V. Salyza Kupa - salyza.gp
1. hely - FMBP Appearance - honeybee-stakes.gp
1. hely - I love the 90's Appearance - patanevelde.gp
1. hely - Walking and Walking APpearance (lls) - salyza.gp
1. hely - Film Appearance - salyza.gp
1. hely - WWE Championship for horses - vivalafrance.gp
1. hely - One Picture is Enough - salyza.gp
1. hely - Spring time Appearance - salyza.gp 
1. hely - Dance Stlye Appearance - salyza.gp
1. hely - Reopening Apperance - avalon-online.gp
1. hely - Background Appearance - horseyy.gp
1. hely - II. Big Competition without pratcices - salyza.gp
1. hely - Horoscope Appearance - avalon-online.gp

II. helyek: (27 db)
2. hely - Autumn Appearance - ???.gp
2. hely - Appearance for Dressage Horses - lidoll.gp
2. hely - Naldance Kllem - ???.gp
2. hely -  II.ABC Appearance - fariflend.gp
2. hely - Bridle & Halter Appearance - horsandel.gp
2. hely - Background Appearance - horsandel.gp
2. hely - II. Warum Weekend - horsandel.gp
2. hely - II. Fruit Appearance - horsandel.gp
2. hely - II. Bottom Appearance - horsandel.gp
2. hely - Appearance of Rose Earth - roseearth.gp
2. hely - April & May Appearance - horsandel.gp
2. hely - I. Farbe Kategorien Aussehen - lowint.gp
2. hely - II. McDonald's Appearance - horsandel.gp.gp
2. hely - Lovassal vagy Nlkle kllemverseny - shagyarab.gp
2. hely - ABC Appearance - horsandel.gp
2. hely - Disney Princess Appearance - nymph.gp
2. hely - Goodbye Spring, Hello Summer - portal-no1.gp
2. hely - Dressage and Show Jumping in Luxemburg - lowint.gp
2. hely - II. Sznkategris kllem - salyza.gp
2. hely - ABC Appearance - lownit.gp
2. hely - Around the World Appearance - patanevelde.gp
2. hely - The old one Appearance - horsandel.gp
2. hely - Cheval Maison Kllem - cheval-maison.gp
2. hely - Fenton Special Tiszteletverseny - dreamy.gp
2. hely - Black & White Appeearance - avalon-online.gp
2. hely - Japanese Band Appearance - horseyy.gp
2. hely - Channel Appearance - avlp.gp

III. helyek: (18db)
3. hely - Special ABC Competition - ponyisland.gp
3. hely - The Earth Appearance sszevets - dlvp.gp
3. hely - Appearance for Jumping Horses - lidoll.gp
3. hely - Appearance in Europe - lidoll.gp
3. hely - Appearance for Jump Horse - lidoll.gp
3. hely - I. Horse Appearance - lownit.gp
3. hely - Where are you from? appearance - horsandel.gp
3. hely - Sport horse appearance - roseearth.gp
3. hely - Appearance in Vienna - blackprince.gp
3. hely - April Appearance - portal-no1.gp
3. hely - I. Fajtakategris kllem - portal-no1.gp
3. hely - Jrmd kllem - lowint.gp
3. hely - Gait Appearance - oceanlovasok.gp
3. hely - Appearance - lownit.gp
3. hely - I. Simple Appearance - snowkiss.gp
3. hely - I and Others - horseyy.gp
3. hely - IV. Synline Appearance - horseyy.gp
3. hely - Elite Competition Horses - shagyarab.gp

IV. helyek: (6 db)
4. hely - II.Only One Picture Appearance - ponyisland.gp
4. hely - Show Jumping in Eurpoe - ponyisland.gp
4. hely - II. Mrciusi Kllemverseny - ghp.gp
4. hely - Provenance Appearance - ponyisland.gp
4. hely - Competition for Wirthy Delma - ponyisland.gp
4. hely - II.Equestrian Challenge - ponyisland.gp

egyb helyek: (1 db)
Klndj - Horoscope Appearance - avalon-online.gp


sszesen: 92 db



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