2*ELITE, 3*GOOD, 4th Placed RaceHorse of Nyrvr Galopp & Kllem, Best Appearance Horse in Final Chance, The Most Beautiful Horse in Manchester United Category, 1st Placed of Champions League Show 2011, Good horse on Head Appearance, 2nd placed on Head Appearance in Salyza Lk, Good 1000m Galopp horse, 3rd in Galopp in Luxemburg in Alta, Champion Horse in the OTP Bank, Winner Racehorse, 1st Placed of Brand's Derby 2011, Good horse on Nose Appearance, 2nd placed on Nose Appearance in Salyza Lk., Nagyon j l a II. Salyza Kupn a Salyza Lovaskzpontban, 2. helyezett a Kllem Kategriban a II. Salyza Kupn, PonyIsland Champion, The Best Horse in 1000 m, 1st Placed of Galopp with Special Prizes, Absolute Best Young Horse, Talented Horse in 1000 m, Best Galopp Horse in Glasgow Derby, 1st in short distance Category, Best, Best in WLE, 1ts in Wellington Derby, Gyztes Rvidtvon,BEST, 2nd of Autumn Appearance, 3rd placed in Short Distance at Melodia, GOOD, DOOD, Good in WLE, 3rd in Galopp for David Garrett
Neve: Symphony of Love
Kora: 2 v
Fajtja: Angol telivr
Szne: pej
Jegyei: csillag
Marmagassga: 170 cm
Jellemzi: Nha makacs, de egybknt okos, szeretnival des mn. Versenyeken nagyon sszeszedi magt, igaz az edzseken sokszor nem akar a gazdi kedvben jrni.
Trzsknyv: van/nincs
Trzsknyvi neve: Symphony of Love
Trzsknyvi szma: CGL-000-785
Szrmazs: Warum Nicht
Tenyszt: Cappy
Apja: ?
Anyja: ?
Tenyszengedly: van/nincs
Leszrmazottai: -
Tenysztsi ra: -
Oltsok: rendben
Rutinvizsglatok: rendben
Krmls: rendben
Patkols: rendben
Betegsg: van/nincs
Versenyzs: Kllem, Szemle
Rajtengedlyvizsga: van/nincs
Ltlevl: van/nincs
Edzsterv: nincs
I.Hely: (8 db)
- 1.Hely || Nyrvr Galopp&Kllem || my-davi.gp
- 1.Hely || Champions League Show|| ???.gp
- 1.Hely || Brand's Derby|| ???.gp
- 1.Hely || Galopp with Special Prizes, White Zagrab City Stakes, 1000 m|| ???.gp
- 1.Hely || Glasgow Derby, rvidtv, 1100 m|| horsandel.gp
- 1.Hely || Wllington Derby, rvudtv || oldim.gp
- 1.Hely || Autnum Cup || roseearth.gp
II.Hely: (3 db)
- 2.Hely || Head Appearance || salyza.gp
- 2.Hely || II. Salyza Kupa || salyza.gp
- 2.Hely || Nose Appearance || salyza.gp
III.Hely: (3 db)
- 3.Hely || Galopp in Luxemburg || lownit.gp
- 3.Hely || I. Melodia Derby || melodia-lovaspark.gp
- 3.Hely || Galopp for David Garrett || oldim.gp
IV.Hely: (0 db)
- 4.Hely ||??? || ???.gp
V.Hely: (0 db)
- 5.Hely || ??? || ???.gp
Tulajdonos: Saliza
Boksz szma: 04.
Kedvenc csemege: rpa